Gnome Stump Home


Some kind gardeners make gnomes very welcome in their garden.

See how this kind and very resourceful man made a great Gnome Stump Home from an old, useless tree stump.


Gnome Stump Home


This very creative man had two trees that were growing too close to his home. They were uplifting the foundations of his garage, house and the walkway to the house. They were also infested and not vey healthy. So he had no real choice but to cut them down.

The stump was left for five long years, through all kinds of weather. The grass grew around it and it was a bit useless.

Then the homeowner decided to make it into a gnome home. Of course, what else could it be?

Firstly he got out his strimmer and cut and cleared up all the grass around it, tidying up the surrounding area.

The he got out the chainsaw! He cut the top of the stump into slants to make the roof. Then he chose a front facing protruding root and carved steps out of it, leading to a door shaped hole he cut at the top of the steps and a window shape next to it. He then used a chisel to properly scrape out the door shape. He made it look very easy but I reckon it took some skill and was starting to look good.

He artistically flattened brackets and cut them to make authentic looking door hinges and made a front door glass out of a pair of welding goggles.

He lovingly fashioned pieces of wood into roof tile shapes and painstakingly nailed them onto a piece of wood with a piece of felt underneath for a roof.

All in all he said it was a fun project and hadn’t taken too long, just a couple of weekends.


Gnome Stump Home







Click here for large garden gnomes, here for rude garden gnomes, here for solar garden gnomes and here for football garden gnomes.




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